Top Productivity Hacks You Need To Get Work Done Faster

  • aasheem
  • February 8th, 2022
Productivity Hacks

In recent years, productivity has risen to the top of the priority list for both firms and people. This performance indicator is receiving more attention than ever before. There is also a surge in productivity software and philosophies, which is beneficial because we have many tools at our disposal. The disadvantage is that there are a lot of sales pitches mixed in with the legitimate information (assuming there is any, to begin with). 

The practices and routine modifications that produce a meaningful difference in productivity are the subjects of this essay, not the tools. These are science-based and tailored to the demands of today’s digital employees as well as the specific problems that come with working in a connected world. 

Most of us want to do more and more work in less and less time, but because none of us can jam more hours into our days (despite our best efforts), the best we can do is increase our productivity. Even still, most “productivity boosters,” such as going to the gym every morning, seem to add extra work to our already hectic lifestyles. Instead, try one or more of these 18 productivity hacks, all of which you can use and test right now. 

1. Have a compelling purpose of working more quickly. 

Find anything you are enthusiastic about that provides you a cause to work harder, whether more time with friends, a pastime you love, or anything else. Do not try to work harder to be able to work more. 

2. Apply the Pomodoro Technique to your time management. 

Use the Pomodoro Technique if you are stuck and cannot determine what to work on. Set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on one task as hard as you can without being distracted. You will almost certainly deceive yourself into working even longer. 

3. Avoid multitasking. 

The switching costs of changing activities are substantial in your brain since it is not a machine. Concentrate on one subject at a time, and avoid working in surroundings where other stimulants, such as the television, are vying for your attention. 

4. Get rid of harmful behaviors from your day-to-day life. 

Follow advice #1 and have a passion for which you are trying to acquire more time. You should be all right giving up time-wasting habits like watching TV programs you do not care about, perusing Facebook for more than a few minutes, and so on. 

5. Make a logbook of your accomplishments. 

Want to maintain some of the lingering impacts of your previous achievement? Keep a daily notebook of your accomplishments. When you look at them, you will see your prior accomplishments, and you will not want to “break the streak” by achieving nothing today. 

6. Take a break by doing meaningless things. 

Mindless jobs might be frustrating when you are on a task list, but when you are performing them, they can be rather calming. Take a break from your current sprint to work on anything stupid if you do not have time for a true break. It will keep you working while also allowing your mind to relax. 

7. Get rid of the low-priority items on your to-do list. 

The low-priority chores on your to-do list will serve to divert your attention or increase your stress levels throughout the day. Find a means to remove them from your life. Do them if they take less than two minutes to complete. If they take longer, outsource them to someone else or plan them to be finished later. 

8. Make a friend. 

Collaborate on a project with a coworker. You will encourage one another to keep going. This method may be used with more than two individuals. However, you run the danger of the meeting devolving into an afternoon of stupid jokes and Duke Nukem soundboards. 

9. Change your surroundings. 

Experiment with working in different places. A change of environment has helped me get into the flow state and be more creative in the past. You may also alter your present surroundings; one simple step is to clean up. 

10. Turn off your phone’s notifications. 

It does you no good to be continuously bombarded with email, Facebook updates, and Twitter alerts. Turn off push notifications for your applications and check them only when you are not working. 

11. Break down large undertakings into smaller, more manageable pieces. 

When seen from the perspective of a bird’s eye view, large undertakings might seem unachievable. Break down tasks into clear, actionable portions that can be completed quickly. Keep everything organized so you know what you have completed and what needs to be completed. Trello, a web program, is quite useful for this. 

12. Create positive habits. 

Focus on developing positive habits around the things you have to perform regularly; by doing so, you will be able to do frequent activities without feeling drained of ego. Using an app like Lift to keep you motivated while constructing them is a good idea. 

13. Stop visiting websites that are distracting. 

Use a Chrome plugin like StayFocusd to block distracting websites if you have a problem with them. 

14. Make sure your desk is tidy. 

Clutter on your desk translates to mental clutter. When you glance around at all the papers and garbage in your workstation, you may feel unorganized, distracted, or even terrified. Clearing things off does not take long—especially if you have much rubbish lying around—and the advantages of working on a tidy desk are immediate. 

15. Work on your to-do lists for the following day. 

While it is true that concentrating on the present helps you complete activities quicker, working on your to-do lists for the following day will aid you in two ways: You will be helping your future self in two ways: first, by making a prioritized list of stuff ahead of time, and second, by freeing your mind of activities you do not need to worry about today. 

16. Experiment with when you work and when you do not work. 

Work at a different time of day if you can. Early morning is an excellent time to get things done since everyone who may distract you is sleeping. If it is more convenient for you, you may work late at night — make sure you get enough sleep. 

17. Get in the habit of saying no. 

It is as easy as that: the more you do and achieve, the more possibilities will come your way. People will want to collaborate with you, get to know you, and seek your assistance. Unfortunately, you will not be able to accomplish everything. Learn to say no to things that do not fit into your schedule so you can devote your time to the ones that do. 

18. Make it a point to work out every day. 

You may believe that working out takes away from your productive time. However, the advantages of exercise will allow you to reclaim that time (and more). Mental clarity, attention, and creativity are just a few of the benefits. Also, you are less likely to die as quickly, so we suppose that is a plus. 

Final Words 

While we have covered a variety of software tools in this post, the focus is on developing productive habits and selecting tools that will help you concentrate on reaching your goals. You must be willing to modify how you think about organizing and finishing things to become more productive. However, you will also need the right team (with the correct attitude) to foster an effective working relationship. 

So, use the 18 ideas we discussed in this post to hack your brain and make this year your most productive ever. 

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